

Quantum computing predicts Finnish housing prices

A project involving Finland's research and education network is working on a new tool for complex calculations.

Mauritania joins the academic network community

Researchers and students in Mauritania can look forward to improved connectivity as the Arab African country has announced the establishment of a national research and education network.

The digital search for a COVID-19 cure

COVID-19 researchers in Finland get priority access to the Puhti supercomputer.

Supporting Big Data research in Azerbaijan

E-governance is the current focus of Big Data research by Professor Ramiz Aliguliyev to help resolve some of the difficulties researchers face with managing ever-expanding volumes of data.

Volcano surveillance in near-real time

Recent research on the Italian volcano Mount Etna, one of the most active volcanoes in the world, may have developed a new tool for predicting eruptions.

How computers can speed up vaccine development

Vaccines are the key to conquer threats to public health posed by coronavirus and other infectious diseases. A team at the University of Bristol, UK, is revolutionizing the way vaccines are developed, paving the way for faster and more effective vaccines. The scientists at the heart of the project explain how the Research 4.0 tools... View Article

Europe is ageing! And so what?

Luckily, we live longer. SHARE, the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe, helps researchers understand the consequences, and helps policy makers make the necessary decisions on health, social and economic policy.

Tracking cuckoos from space – building the Animal Internet

How is this even possible? A cuckoo carrying a tiny transmitter signalling to a satellite and allowing researchers to track its 16,000-kilometre, ten-month-long loop migration from Scandinavia to Central Africa and back.

Cross-border concert showcases unique technology for teaching and performance

‘Music Without Borders’ using LoLA low latency data transmission technology was enjoyed by Ministers and Ambassadors from around Europe and Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries.

Turning scientific data into captivating images

Veteran scientific visualization expert Jyrki Hokkanen takes on any challenge thrown at him by scientists in need of imagery - even illustrating particle physics in four dimensions. Finnish researchers from all areas come to him, whether it is physics, climate science, biochemistry, or geology.

The rainmaker – seeding particles in clouds

Not many people could be described as a rainmaker quite as literally as Hannele Korhonen. Korhonen, a research professor at the Finnish Meteorological Institute, is heading a project that aims to improve artificial rainmaking in the United Arab Emirates.

Optimizing an airplane wing more precisely than ever before

Engineers used research networks and supercomputing in two countries to inform the design of airplane wings that will make airplanes lighter, reducing fuel consumption and the number of raw materials used in construction